Healing The Culture - A Commonsense Philosophy of Happiness, Freedom and the Life Issues

Healing The Culture - A Commonsense Philosophy of Happiness, Freedom and the Life Issues

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Healing the Culture presents the most comprehensive philosophy of the pro-life movement in print today. This book changes the discussion on abortion and euthanaisa by linking these issues with the philosophical underpinnings of our culture and the principles and values through which we live. More than an explanation to the life issues, this book presents a course in philosophy and a guide to enhanced meaning and purpose in life.

This groundbreaking work addresses the connection between the culture's view of everything from happiness and success, to self-worth, love, suffering, ethics, freedom and personhood, and shows how our notion of personhood holds the key not only to the concept of ourselves, but also to the future of rights and the common good.

"An excellent resource for examining the life issues in their broadest and most profound context. It is also an encouraging and accessible tool for respoding to the Holy Father's challenge to build a 'culture of life'."
-Cardinal Francis George, Archbishop of Chicago

"Every great once in a while, a book comes along that pulls together a multitude of perplexing questions and presents them in a form readily understandable to the general reader. Healing the Culture is such a book."
-Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, Editor, First Things

Healing the Culture shows us how to escape the lethal cul-de-sac of "I did it my way" and get back onto the path of doing it the right way-which is the road to happiness and excellence."
-George Weigel, Author, Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II

"This splendid book restores philosophy to its status as a practical art and science. It is both a guidebook for living a good and happy life, and a handbook for thinking through some of the most troubling issues afflicting our society."
-Robert P. George, Princeton University

"Drawing on his expertise in philosophy and psychology, Sptizer shows in many practical ways how we can transcend 'ego-centric materialism' to attain true happiness. This important, readable book should be read by all."
-Charles Rice, University of Notre Dame

Price: $16.95
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