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Many questions come to our minds when there is mention of the Holy Spirit. Does He exist? Did He exist from all eternity? What is He, in Himself and in the Holy Trinity? What relationship do we have with Him? What is particularly attributed (by way of "appropriation") to Him? Where can we obtain authentic information about the Holy Spirit, about His activity in us?
What is His role with respect to our supernatural life, to the special means put at our disposal, such as, Sacraments, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? What are the "Gifts of the Holy Spirit," the "Fruits of the Holy Spirit"? What are the reasons for a special devotion to the Holy Spirit? In what way should we pray to the Holy Spirit and what should we particularly pray for? Finally: How can we be said to be "FOLLOWING THE HOLY SPIRIT"?
In imitation of the precious book called The Imitation of Christ, which for a long time was the most cherished spiritual book in the Western Church, we dare to make use of a similar method of "colloquy"-here with the Holy Spirit-regarding some matters of great importance for children of the Father, disciples of Christ, and followers of the Holy spirit.