In order to arrive at a correct understanding of the much discussed topic of clerical celibacy, it is clearly necessary to clarify the pertinent facts and regulations found within the Church from its beginnings until the present time. Further, it is also necessary to explore the theological reasons for celibacy. This can only be done on the basis of a knowledge of the relevant sources and of current scholarship, especially if Cardinal Stickler's presentation is to be accepted as valid and scientifically credible.
In order to understand the historical development of celibacy in the Western and Eastern Churches, this study will begin with an analysis of the actual concept of clerical celibacy which necessarily lies at the basis of the respective obligations that it imposes. In addition, in order that Stickler's conclusions be solidly founded, he provides an outline of the method which a proper treatment of this argument demands. The final part will be dedicated to the theological presuppositions and foundations of celibacy.
"A wealth of information on the history of celibacy for the clergy of the Catholic Church-both in the East and in the West. I was particularly impressed by his arguments showing that celibacy is necessarily connected to the priesthood of Jesus Christ. It is refreshing to find a book on celibacy that is truly theological--one that is rooted in Scripture, the Fathers of the Church and the Magisterium."
- Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J.
Editor, Homiletic & Pastoral Review
Cardinal Alfons Maria Stickler is a member of numerous international academic organizations and academies. He has been a consultor to many Congregations of the Roman Curia, was a member of the preparatory commission for the Second Vatican Council, a peritus to three of the Council Commissions, and a member of the commission for the preparation of the new Codex Iuris Canonici (1983).